Mobile Application Development
Mobile application development is the process of creating software applications that run on a mobile device, and a typical mobile application utilizes a network connection to work with remote computing resources.
We Provide Development like:- Android App Development
- IOS App Development
- Windows App Development
Grouped Notifications
This is one of the best features rolled out by Google in Nougat. With Nougat, your phone notifications are grouped into relevant packages which can collapse or expand with the tap of a button.
Split-screen Mode
With the advent of Nougat, Android phones are now able to handle more than one app simultaneously on the screen. This is one of the flagship features of Nougat, it allows users to work on two different apps at the same time.
Quick Settings Tiles
With Nougat, one can easily swipe down twice to expand the quick settings tiles fully. Android users are used to using these tools more frequently as all the required features are available in one go in here.
File System Permissions
Android 7 security features for apps have improved the protection of private directories. This setting helps to prevent any kind of leakage of metadata from private files, like the file's size or existence.
Change Display Size
Current Android users have the option to change the font size on their phones. But with one of the latest features of Android 7, the user can also change the whole display including the size of buttons, icons, and all other controls on the screen.
Data Saver Mode
The data saver feature in the latest Android operating system stops apps from sending or receiving data using your mobile network. When the data saver mode is on, all the network calls are forbidden .